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2D Particle in a Box

0Probability DensityMax

Click on a phasor circle to toggle quantum states

Current Settings

Mode: Probability Density

Time: 0

Active States: (1,1)

Color Map: blue-white-orange



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About 2D Quantum Particle in a Box

This visualization shows a quantum particle confined to a two-dimensional square box with infinite potential walls. The system has eigenstates characterized by two quantum numbers (nx, ny), corresponding to the number of nodes in each dimension.

The energy of each state is , meaning higher quantum numbers have higher energies. Each quantum state evolves in time with a phase factor , with faster rotation for higher energy states.

Key features to observe:

  • Probability densities show characteristic nodal patterns based on quantum numbers
  • Superposition of states creates interference patterns that evolve in time
  • States with different energies evolve at different rates, creating complex dynamics
  • The phasor grid shows the phase evolution of each active quantum state
Tip: Try activating multiple states with different quantum numbers to see interference effects and observe how the pattern evolves over time!

Active States and Their Energies

  • State (nx=1, ny=1): E = 2