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Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Visualization


Individual States
Click on any phasor circle to toggle that quantum state on/off

Harmonic Oscillator

This visualization demonstrates the quantum harmonic oscillator, which models a particle in a parabolic potential well (like a mass on a spring).

Each quantum state has energy where

The harmonic oscillator is one of the most important quantum systems because many potentials can be approximated as harmonic near their minimum. The wavefunctions involve Hermite polynomials multiplied by a Gaussian envelope.

Active states and their energies:

Quantum superposition allows multiple states to exist simultaneously, with each evolving at its own phase velocity proportional to its energy. The phasor diagram shows the phase of each active state as time progresses.

Try activating multiple states and observe how they combine to form complex probability distributions! Click directly on the phasor circles to toggle states on and off.