Typically referring to the time-independent Schrodinger Equation:
H^Ψ=EΨ which relates the total energy of the system, E, its wavefunction Ψ, a function of particle coordinates (spatial or momentum, spin), and
the Hamiltonian operator H^.
The Hamiltonian for a typical chemical system will be something like:
H^=T^e+V^ee+V^en+T^n+V^nn where T^e and T^n are kinetic energy terms for the electrons e and nuclei n and
V^ee, V^en and V^nn are potential energy terms for electron-electron, electron-nuclear and nuclear-nuclear interactions.
T^e=−2∇2i T^n=−2MA∇2A V^ee=i<j∑rij1 V^en=−A,i∑rAiZA V^nn=A<B∑rABZAZB where:
- i and j indicate electrons,
- A and B indicate nuclei with nuclear charge Z and mass M,
- ∇ is the Laplacian